Topic of EMF is essential when we are talking about our kid’s health. Their bodies are developing and are much more prone to receive all the negative effects that EMF and EMR can cause. Their bodies are fragile and need even more protection than we adults need.
Richard Lear , Researcher of Brown University, has studied the dramatic increase of diseases and disorders. Since the 1990s, the percentage increase in the following diseases that usually kids have is:
• Autism – 2094%;
• ADHD – 819%;
• Bipolar disease in youth – 10833%.
• ADHD – 819%;
• Bipolar disease in youth – 10833%.
These numbers are alarming and we need to do something now about it while it is not too late.
“Sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation is the emerging health problem of the 21st century. It is imperative health practitioners, governments, schools and parents learn more about it. The human health stakes are significant”. — William Rea, MD, Founder & Director of the Environmental Health Center, Dallas; Past President, American Academy of Environmental Medicine.
France and Russia were one of the first countries to have current laws to minimise WiFi exposure to children in schools. These two countries have the world’s longest research history on the health effect of microwaves, both over 100 years and as WiFi and cell phone data is transmitted by pulsed microwave radiation, the harmful effects of them are well-known.
Nowadays more and more countries such as Belgium, Israel, Spain, Australia etc are getting aware of the danger that WiFi has over kids and has removed or reduced WiFi or cell phone use in schools.
First, What Is EMF?
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) are invisible physical fields of energy produced by moving electric charges. Electric fields are produced whether or not a device is turned on, whereas magnetic fields are produced only when current is flowing, which usually requires a device to be turned on.
Every electronic appliance such as your phone and computer, kettles and toasters, microwaves, WiFi, industrial equipment, the generation and transmission of electricity, broadcasting, telecommunications i.e. everything related to electrical power produces radiation that is affecting our bodies on cellular levels. In the past to decades the EMF and EMR exposure have increased several thousand times or more and we can see it in the changing picture of diseases.
Nowadays there are literally thousands of studies showing the biological harm that even low-frequency EMFs and EMR cause in our bodies, especially if the exposure is happening in the long term.
What Studies Show?
Even if the topic of EMF is controversial, there is enough evidence that shows how dreadful it can be to our bodies and nature around us. Here we will explore the main findings that EMF studies have shown.
As it was stated before, kids are even in bigger danger than adults in relation to EMF and EMR as their bodies are growing and developing:
• Their skulls are thinner, making it easier for EMF waves to penetrate;
• Their minds are still developing and are easily impacted by EMF waves;
• They have smaller heads with brains positioned closer to the skull;
• Their brains contain more water, meaning EMF rays are conducted more easily through the brain.
• Their minds are still developing and are easily impacted by EMF waves;
• They have smaller heads with brains positioned closer to the skull;
• Their brains contain more water, meaning EMF rays are conducted more easily through the brain.
The depth that cell phone radiation penetrates the brain is alarming. For adults it’s a few inches deep, for a ten-year-old the radiation reaches half of the brain. In case of kids smaller than 5 years old, the radiation penetrates the brain completely, it goes through it affecting the whole head.
This interference is very dreadful and affects your children’s brain even if you don’t see it. However, levels of autism, ADHD and kids cancer sky rocked over the years and cannot stay unnoticeable.
Some of the biological effects that were proven to appear from EMF & EMR exposure:
Heavy Metal Poisoning
Dr Dietrich Klighardt , MD, PhD is recognized as one of the pioneers in treating cases of chronic neurological and complex chronic conditions. In his research, he established that EMF exposure can result in trapping heavy metals in cells and accelerating the poisoning due to the toxic nature of such metals.
Retrovirus Development
Dr Klighardts and Dr Judy Mitkovitz has conducted research that showed the connection between Retrovirus and EMF. Retrovirus is a type of RNA virus that inserts a copy of its genome into the DNA of a host cell and as the result changes the genome of that cell. It is embedded in our DNA and stays dormant most of the time. It was concluded that the EMF exposure allows the virus to replicate and cause many chronic health conditions including Alzheimer’s.
DNA Damage
European REFLEX Study was conducted in 2004 on behalf of the EU by 12 institutions. It also documented many changes in normal biological functioning in tests on DNA. Prolonged radiation from a cell phone and other EMFs and EMR can cause gene mutations, damage to our cells, apoptosis (“cellular suicide”) and free radicals creation that is known to be a cause for many chronic diseases, including Alzheimer’s.
Mitochondria Damage
Another link that was discovered is the effect of EMF and EMR on mitochondria. In 2018 University of L’Aquila, Italy, has issued a research on extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency fields such as from mobile phones on our cells physiology. Mitochondria is a powerhouse of a cell and produces about 90% of energy and is vital for our body’s survival. They discovered that EMFs cause extensive electron leakage from mitochondrial electron transport chain and that leads to the generation of ROS described previously that are free radicals poisoning our bodies and causing illness.
Blood-Brain Barrier Damage
Dr Leif Salford has demonstrated another harmful effect of low-level microwave radiation from wireless devices. He established that even 2 minutes exposures can cause a blood-brain barrier to open. Blood-brain barrier’s purpose is to protect against circulating toxins or pathogens that could cause brain infections. If it opens the damage can be irreversible.
Immune Dysfunction
With regular exposure to EMF Radiation, the research shows it can lead to immune dysfunction, and many of today’s chronic diseases. The BioInitiative Report (published in 2012) established that ELF (extremely low frequency) and RF (radio frequency) exposures are environmental stressors that can cause physiological stress response as a cell recognises that such exposures are harmful. When they happen on a continuing basis over time, it can lead to immune dysfunction, chronic allergic responses, inflammatory & chronic diseases and poor health.
Free Radicals Production
In recent years it was established that free radicals play a major role in the mechanism behind many diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Martin Pall, PhD , in his research in 2015 stated that EMFs produce widespread neuropsychiatric and neurochemical effects through the activation of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. They can cause efflux of calcium ions from brain tissue. Changes in calcium ion concentration can lead to alterations in neural functions. Additionally, it increases the ROS (reactive oxygen species ) and specifically peroxynitrite – a potent free radical.
“There is no question EMFs have a major effect on neurological functioning. They slow our brain waves and affect our long-term mental clarity. We should minimize exposures as much as possible to optimize neurotransmitter levels and prevent deterioration of health”. — Eric Braverman, MD, Brain researcher, Author of The Edge Effect, and Director of Path Medical in New York City and The PATH Foundation. Expert in the brain’s global impact on illness and health.
What Diseases EMF Exposure Brings to Children?
Mentioned above biological effects are destroying the organism from the inside and causing so many chronic diseases and health conditions. These are the most common health issues kids get that are associated with EMF exposure and biological damage it brings.
The number of autistic children is increasing exponentially and by 2025 it is estimated that 50% of the children born may be diagnosed with Autism by the time they reach the age of 4 (Stephanie Seneff PhD Research Scientist and MIT). Dr Klinghardt , World Leading Expert on Chronic Diseases and Autism has done research and studies on Autism showing the link between Toxins, Pathogens, Heavy Metals and EMF Radiation in Autism.
Scientists of the BioInitiative Report (2012) have conducted a research on the topic of Autism. They establish that kids with Autism have multitude of biological features such as mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, metabolic and immune abnormalities – conditions proven to be linked with EMF exposure.
The main findings of the report include the effects of exposure to an enormous amount of toxin caused by EMF and EMR. It leads to cellular stress – oxidative stress and stress protein development, cell membrane and lipid peroxidation, calcium channels damage, genetic alterations and reproductive impacts, mitochondrial dysfunction, melatonin dysregulation, brain cells damage and many other harmful changes in the child’s body that lead to diseases as Autism.
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) are the most common mental disorders affecting kids. Symptoms include not being able to focus, hyperactivity, impulsivity. It affects school work, sleep quality and behaviour and creates problems at home and school.
Both disorders are linked to EMF exposure. Dr. Hugh Taylor , a medical professor and chief of Yale’s Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, co-authored a 2012 study to determine the impact of cellphone exposure on pregnancies and concluded “Cellphone radiation exposure during pregnancy impacts fetal brain development and may cause hyperactivity”.
Leeka Kheifets, PhD, conducted a study in 2008 that involved 13,000 children with behavioral problems. The researchers determined the extent of cell phone use by mothers during and after pregnancy. The research showed that women who excessively used cell phones during and after pregnancy had an 80% higher tendency for their children to have hyperactive, emotional and behavioural difficulties.
Childhood leukemia is the most frequent childhood cancer that peaks in the age group of 2 to about 5 years. This peak seems to have been newly evolved in the early quarter of the 20th century and is linked to electrification as one of the factors. This assumption is supported by the absence of this peak or it being much less pronounced in developing countries.
The Bioinitiative Report concluded that the balance of evidence suggests that childhood leukemia is associated with exposure to power frequency EMFs either during early life or pregnancy as EMF and EMR exposure is cancerogenic due to many biological effects listed before it causes inside bodies.
Asthma is the most chronic condition among children. Approximetaly 13% of children younger than 18 years have asthma. It is a leading cause of hospitalisation and emergency department visits for kids younger than 18 years old.
The prevalance of asthma has been steadily rising dueing the last decades. From 1980 to 1996 the increase was about 74%. De-Kun Li, MD, PHD , was leading a study in 2011 that etsablished that daily EMF exposure of pregnant women lead to an increased risk of asthma in offspring. With low-level exposure the increased risk was 15%, with medium exposure the risk raised to 74% increase.
“Children should be able to live a life free from electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure and radio frequency (RF) radiation pollution and it is time that we all took a stand against this.”
— Steven Magee, a world leading expert on radiation and human health.
— Steven Magee, a world leading expert on radiation and human health.
EMF exposure is being linked to increases in the incidence of certain childhood diseases, such as asthma, leukemia, and brain cancer, and in some behavioral and learning disabilities including autism, ADHD & ADD. It causes headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbance, unusual pain in multiple sites, visual disturbance, auditory disturbance, membrane sensitivity, muscle twitching, dermatalogical complaints, hyperactivity/fatigue, restless leg syndrome, memory & concentration disturbance, anxiety, dyslexia, sometimes behavioral problems like a child refusing to go to school without reason.
There are plenty of proof that EMF and EMR are dangerous to us and especially to our children. Today people are slowly beginning to learn these dangers to our physical, emotional and mental health. We need to continue educating ourselves and be aware of the harmful effects and try to minimise them to have a healthy and happy future.
What Can You Do To Protect Your Children?
• First of all you should minimize the children’s exposure to EMF and EMR at home. Switch from WiFi to wired internet or at least not have WiFi constantly turned on 24/7.
• Minimise the kid’s contact with devices as phones, tablets, laptops and limit screen time.
• Raise the awareness of other parents and make changes in your school by removing WiFi.
• Take control of your and your family’s EMF and EMR with Tesla’s Evolutionary Technologies. Keep your kids safe by having a Tesla’s Plate in their backpack once in school or out.
• Minimise the kid’s contact with devices as phones, tablets, laptops and limit screen time.
• Raise the awareness of other parents and make changes in your school by removing WiFi.
• Take control of your and your family’s EMF and EMR with Tesla’s Evolutionary Technologies. Keep your kids safe by having a Tesla’s Plate in their backpack once in school or out.
Check out our blog for more health-related topics and spread awareness with other people. Stay healthy and take care of yourselves!
P.S. Click here to check out Tesla’s Evolutionary Technologies to support your family.