Pokegeshi: Microbiome Reset
Our Microbiome is a symbiotic ancient intelligence made up of bacteria and bacteriophages, your microbiome is the best friend you never knew you had. It manages all your key systems (neurotransmitters, antibodies, hormones, antioxidants, blood sugar, detoxification…). All it asks for in return is some oligosaccharides (special sugars) to eat, and why not, you can’t digest oligosaccharides anyway. Unfortunately, modern diets are nothing like the oligosaccharide rich diets of our primitive ancestors and so our microbiome goes rogue. Instead of regulating us, it imbalances us. Instead of protecting us, it goes rogue. But like a good friend, it is always willing to forgive. All you need to turn your gut bacteria into the life giving and protecting ally it was always meant to be is to give it the oligosaccharides it needs to survive. Panaceum has 8 different oligosaccharides recreating the diet of a successful primitive hunter gatherer.
A proprietary blend of pomegranate rind, geranium flower, pine bark extract, persimmon tannins, hibiscus flower, cranberry extract and galacto-oligosaccharides. All ingredients organic whenever available.
- General maintenance: 1 to 3 capsules with meals may support a stool pH ≤6.5.
- Gas for 21 days is possible as the microbiome resets.
- SIBO – Since Pokegeshi contains oligosaccharides, those with or who suspect SIBO should start with 1/4 a tsp at first, then work their way up slowly to a full dose when able. (and have other protocols in place)