Kelly Marie is the founder of The Turned On Evolution. She is known for her superconscious abilities to catalyse and awaken deep transformation in others, as well as connecting people around the world with tools that support and empower their health growth and evolution.
But this is not where she started. Kelly has come a long way on her 25 year journey through chronic illness, and inspires others as she continues to create and build her legacy whilst still healing. Launching a business that did a quarter of a Million $ Dollars during the global pandemic, Kelly continues to inspire others to reclaim their personal power, embody their Genius and create an abundant aligned life regardless of their circumstances.
Her evolutionary teachings and her unique way of coaching and facilitating weaves together universal creative premises, archetypal dynamics, shamanic quantum energetics and a deep commitment to truth. This allows those who work with Kelly to enter a portal, feeling held, seen, met and acknowledge. This allows for a quantum leap in the evolutionary hero’s journey of profound transformation that it takes to fully embody your Personal Power, express your Genius and live your true divine blueprint in the world. Whether you are feeling lost, out of alignment, or are on your path and already successful, Kelly’s ability to initiate transformation, reveal illusions and take you to the next level of your Genius is a true gift.
Kelly’s deep commitment to her own health, growth and evolution is what continues to allow her to expand her capacity to receive, create and facilitate transformation in service of her vision to serve others in truly embodying and living their Genius in the world.
Kelly is a warrior of light, she will activate you, recalibrate you, and unlock the codes to the next evolution of your Genius