The numbers of cancer cases have been rising for the last decades. Deaths from cancer are projected to continue increasing with about 70% rise by 2030.
Nowadays, cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the world. Current statistics say that 1 in 2 people will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime.
So we have on average a 50% chance to get it. It’s a scary number to have in mind, isn’t it?
Everyone needs to understand the mechanism behind this disease and what you can do now in order not to have it in the future.
So let’s start with what is this disease.
What Is Cancer?
Cancer is a broad term. It refers to a condition characterised by the development of abnormal cells that grow and divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy healthy body tissue.
Most cells have specific functions and fixed lifespans. Cell death is a completely natural and beneficial process called apoptosis. It is done so the body can replace an old cell with a new one that functions better. However, cancerous cells lack the component that instructs them to stop dividing and die.
Cancer has the ability to grow throughout your body, therefore, it can begin in one part of the body, before spreading to other areas. This process is known as metastasis.
There are more than 200 different types of cancer. Doctors divide cancer in types, based on where it begins. Four main types are:
Carcinomas. A carcinoma begins in the skin or the tissue that covers the surface of internal organs and glands. It is the most common type of cancer and includes breast, lung, stomach, liver cancer, etc.
Sarcomas. A sarcoma begins in the tissue that supports and connects the body as fat, muscles, joints, cartilage, nerves, blood or lymph vessels, or bone.
Leukaemias. Leukaemia is a cancer of the blood. It starts when healthy blood cells change and grow uncontrollably. Main types are acute lymphocytic leukaemia, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, acute myeloid leukaemia and chronic myeloid leukaemia.
Lymphomas. Lymphoma is a cancer that starts in the lymphatic system – the system that fights infections in the body. Two main types are Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Usually, it takes from 10 to 20 years for this disease to develop. That is why most people who are diagnosed with cancer are 65 or older, however, it can be diagnosed at any age.
What Causes Cancer?
There are various causes of cancer, some of them are more researched than others:
• Age (weakend immune system);
• Lifestyle (smoking, heavy alcohol and drug consumption, obesity, physical inactivity, poor nutrition);
• Health conditions (diabetes, ulcerative colitis);
• Gene mutations (only a small portion of cancers are due to an inherited condition, mostly gene mutations happened after birth);
• Environment (harmful chemicals, EMF exposure & radiation, polluted air);
• Psychosomatics (stress, heavy negative emotions, traumas).
• Lifestyle (smoking, heavy alcohol and drug consumption, obesity, physical inactivity, poor nutrition);
• Health conditions (diabetes, ulcerative colitis);
• Gene mutations (only a small portion of cancers are due to an inherited condition, mostly gene mutations happened after birth);
• Environment (harmful chemicals, EMF exposure & radiation, polluted air);
• Psychosomatics (stress, heavy negative emotions, traumas).
How Is EMF Linked To Cancer?
Nowadays there are many researches that show the connection between cancer and EMF & EMR exposure that is shocking. At first, let’s take a look at what is EMF and EMR and why they are so dangerous.
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) are invisible physical fields of energy produced by moving electric charges. Electric fields are produced whether or not a device is turned on, whereas magnetic fields are produced only when current is flowing, which usually requires a device to be turned on.
Every electronic appliance such as your phone and computer, kettles and toasters, microwaves, industrial equipment, the generation and transmission of electricity, broadcasting, telecommunications i.e. everything related to electrical power produces radiation that is affecting our bodies on cellular levels.
“Radiofrequency energy is another word for microwave radiation. If people understood that they were holding a two-way microwave-radiating device next to their brain or next to their reproductive organs, they might think differently about it.” — Devra Davis, American epidemiologist, co-founder of the Environmental Health Trust
Nowadays there are literally thousands of studies showing the biological harm that EMFs and EMR cause in our bodies. Here we present some researches and reports that explain the link between EMF ansd cancer.
Martin Pall’s Researches
Martin Pall, PhD , in his research in 2015 stated that EMFs produce widespread neuropsychiatric and neurochemical effects through the activation of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. They can cause efflux of calcium ions from brain tissue. Changes in calcium ion concentration can lead to alterations in neural functions that cause brain cells damage, loss of connections and death.
Additionally, it increases the ROS (reactive oxygen species ) and specifically peroxynitrite – a potent free radical. Peroxynitrite can damage a wide array of molecules in cells, including DNA and proteins and many other harmful changes that are dreadful for our brain tissue and lead to the development of diseases such as cancer.
Dr Klighardt Reseraches
Dr Dietrich Klighardt , MD, PhD is recognized as one of the pioneers in treating cases of complex chronic conditions. In his research, he established another harmful effect that EMFs have on our bodies. EMF exposure can result in trapping heavy metals in cells and accelerating the poisoning due to the toxic nature of heavy metals. It is widely known that heavy metal poisoning causes many chronic diseases as cancer.
“There are only two factors that drive the epitome of chronic illness: One is the Wi-Fi environment; and the other one is the agrochemicals, the chemicals used to grow our food. If you could control those two factors, there would virtually be no chronic illness.” Dr Dietrich Klinghardt
Moreover, Dr Klinghardt has based his treatment on Dr Judy Mitkovitz ‘s research that showed the connection between Retrovirus and many chronic diseases. Retrovirus is a type of RNA virus that inserts a copy of its genome into the DNA of a host cell and as the result changes the genome of that cell. It is embedded in our DNA and stays dormant most of the time. It was concluded that the EMF exposure allows the virus to replicate and cause many chronic health conditions including cancer.
In Dr Dietrich Klinghardt’s practice, he has successfully shifted patients’s states by reducing the EMF exposure, doing toxic metal detoxification, reducing toxic elements from air, water and food and taking specific suppliments.
Dr Salford’s Researches
Dr Leif Salford have demonstrated another harmful effect of low-level microwave radiation from wireless devices on rats. He established that even 2 minutes exposures can cause a blood-brain barrier to open. Blood-brain barrier’s purpose is to protect against circulating toxins or pathogens that could cause brain infections. If it opens the damage can be irreversible.
Two-hour cell phone exposures shown to damage or destroy up to 2% of an animal’s brain cells. In other experiments in Salford’s laboratory, long term exposure of rats to a cell phone caused memory impairment, and a single six-hour exposure at extremely low power levels caused genetic damage. Exposure to a low-frequency magnetic field emitted by cell phones caused disturbances of calcium transport in cells.
Salford has called the use of cell phones by human beings “the largest biological experiment ever,” and he calls the potential implications of his laboratory results “terrifying.”
European REFLEX Study was conducted in 2004 on behalf of the EU by 12 institutions. It also documented many changes in normal biological functioning in tests on DNA. Prolonged radiation from a cell phone and other EMFs and EMR can cause gene mutations, damage to our cells, apoptosis (“cellular suicide”) and free radicals creation that are known to be a cause for many chronic diseases, including cancer.
BioInitiative Report
With regular exposure to EMF Radiation, the research shows it can lead to immune dysfunction, and many of today’s chronic diseases. The BioInitiative Report (published in 2012) established that ELF (extremely low frequency) and RF (radio frequency) exposures are environmental stressors that can cause physiological stress response as a cell recognises that such exposures are harmful. When they happen on a continuing basis over time, it can lead to immune dysfunction, chronic allergic responses, inflammatory & chronic diseases and poor health.
Moreover,the report captures the evidence for effects on gene and protein expression, fenotoxic effects as RFR and DNA damage, effects on neurology and behaviour, brain timors, acoustic neuromas, childhood cancers, breast cancer and other types of cancer caused by low-level EMF exposure.
“The health endpoints that have been reported to be associated with ELF and/or RF include childhood leukemia, adult brain tumors, childhood brain tumors, genotoxic effects (DNA damage and micronucleation), neurological effects and neurodegenerative disease, immune system dysregulation, allergic and inflammatory responses, breast cancer in men and women, miscarriage and some cardiovascular effects.” David O. Carpenter, Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University at Albany
What You Can Do To Protect Yourself?
According to many studies, cancer is caused mainly by lifestyle and environmental factors that you can start controlling now:
• Exercise regularly;
• Eat a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables. Preferably plant-based;
• Intermittent fasting;
• Stop smoking, drinking alcohol and taking other harmful substances;
• Exclude toxic metals from everyday use and do heavy metal detoxification;
• Supplements as rosemary and spearmint extracts reduce oxidative stress, other antioxodants are very beneficial too, make sure you have enough of Vitamin D;
• Good sleep is essential therefore make sure to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day for your body’s full recovery;
• Eat a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables. Preferably plant-based;
• Intermittent fasting;
• Stop smoking, drinking alcohol and taking other harmful substances;
• Exclude toxic metals from everyday use and do heavy metal detoxification;
• Supplements as rosemary and spearmint extracts reduce oxidative stress, other antioxodants are very beneficial too, make sure you have enough of Vitamin D;
• Good sleep is essential therefore make sure to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day for your body’s full recovery;
• Take care of your mental health as it is so important and reduce stress and negative emotions in your life;
• Take under control your and your family’s EMF and EMR exposure with Tesla’s Evolutionary Technologies.
• Support your body’s natural ability to heal and regenerate the stem cells with vibrational essence Immortality.
• Take under control your and your family’s EMF and EMR exposure with Tesla’s Evolutionary Technologies.
• Support your body’s natural ability to heal and regenerate the stem cells with vibrational essence Immortality.
By taking measures now and following the above recommendations, you allow yourself to live a healthy and happy life free from cancer. It would decrease your chances of getting this dreadful disease by at least 90% and will give you the opportunity to spend quality time with your family, grandkids and even grand grandkids. Invest in yourself now to live a long and happy life!
Check out our blog for more health-related topics and spread the awareness with other people. Stay healthy and take care of yourselves!
P.S. Click here to check out Tesla’s Evolutionary Technologies and Immortality to support your body.