Paneceum: Microbiome Support
Our Microbiome is a symbiotic ancient intelligence made up of bacteria and bacteriophages, your microbiome is the best friend you never knew you had. It manages all your key systems (neurotransmitters, antibodies, hormones, antioxidants, blood sugar, detoxification…). All it asks for in return is some oligosaccharides (special sugars) to eat, and why not, you can’t digest oligosaccharides anyway. Unfortunately, modern diets are nothing like the oligosaccharide rich diets of our primitive ancestors and so our microbiome goes rogue. Instead of regulating us, it imbalances us. Instead of protecting us, it goes rogue. But like a good friend, it is always willing to forgive. All you need to turn your gut bacteria into the life giving and protecting ally it was always meant to be is to give it the oligosaccharides it needs to survive. Panaceum has 8 different oligosaccharides recreating the diet of a successful primitive hunter gatherer.
A proprietary blend of galactooligosaccharides, fructooligosacharides, pectin oligosaccharides, xyloligosaccharides, isomaltooligosaccharides, chitin oligosaccharides, chondroitin sulfate, fucoidan, ellagitannin and calcium tri-phosphate.
When you were in the womb
During pregnancy, postbiotics from the mother’s microbiome guide the developing fetus brain architecture via selective neuroprolifertion. Her microbiome then shifts from the adult form (bacteroides and firmicutes) to the infant form (bifidobacteria) in preparation for a transfer of her microbiome to the newborn. A healthy microbiome in the mother during pregnancy helps ensure proper brain development of the fetal brain and a healthy microbiome to pass on during the birthing process. This isnt always the case which is why we need create a healthy microbiome ecosystem.
When we are born
Infants receive their microbiome during the birthing process. Breast milk produced by the mother contains over 200 different oligosaccharides, and in greater quantities than protein. Probiotics from the mother’s microbiome are brought by the lymphatic system to the breast for delivery to the infant’s gut through breast milk. This continues to nourish the newborn’s developing microbiome. IgA in colostrum teaches the infant immune system that the microbiome is SELF and not to be attacked. For the new 3 years the microbiome continues to myelinate the infant brain and goes on to educate its immune system as to what is OTHER is, and thus, what should be attacked. Maintaining a healthy robust microbiome in the mother supports a healthy microbiome in the infant.
How To Recover Your Microbiome
Unless your mother had a perfect microbiome, you were breast fed for 2.5 years and you’ve never taken antibiotics, you could probably improve your microbiome and your health. Taking oligosaccharides (the food for the microbiome) may support your microbiome. Panaceum contains 8 different oligosaccharides.
Bacteria in a healthy microbiome kill or inhibit many parasites (including Toxoplasma Gondii, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Trichinella, and Babesia) both directly and indirectly. Directly in the gut via chemicals they make that attack the parasite cell membranes and remove iron they need to survive.Indirectly outside the gut by uncloaking hidden parasites so your immune system can then kill them.
Life Extension -Ageing with optimal health
In mice, a healthy microbiome dramatically increase both lifespan and quality of life. You really want both together. For example, you can increase lifespan with caloric restriction, but then you’ll just live a long life as a hungry grouch. A healthy microbiome gives us a long life where we’re healthy and youthful up right to the end. Even old mice experience rejuvenation of their brains, internal organs, fur and skin when their microbiomes are restored.
- Clearing Phase: Knock down the harmful bacteria and yeast. Consider Ellagica (three capsules 3x a day) and Zoiben (1/4 tsp 3x a day) for three days.
- Rebuilding phase: take a quality multi-strain probiotic powder and one capsule of Panaceum in juice or water during meals three times a day for one week.
- Maintenance phase: Take one to 3 capsules of Panaceum with one to three meals a day. Everyone’s needs are different. You will have to judge by how you feel and the quality of your stool.
In cases of SIBO (an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestines), oral oligosaccharides can exacerbate the issue. Consider the following protocol until any SIBO is resolved:
1- Take Pancreatic or digestive enzymes with every meal
2 – Make sure your detox pathways are open and effectively detoxing to clear out the pathogens and assist with die off, consider Glytamins & Xeneplex so you support Phase I,II & II detox pathways.
3- Panaceum taken rectally using a 35cc catheter tipped syringe. 1/4 tsp Panaceum mixed with 30cc water 1x a day.
4- 1/4 tsp of Zoiben every 3rd day
5- 1 capsule Ellagica with each meal
6- Walk every day to make sure to support regular bowel movements