5G Is Up To 15,000 Times Stronger
Than Previous EMF
Educate Yourself And Discover The 5 Steps To Protecting
Yourself And Your Family From The Invisible Force That Is Linked To Cancer, Chronic Diseases, Alzheimer’s, Autism And Damaging Our Children’s Brains
Your Bio-Energy field holds the blueprint of health and dis-ease, success and failure. It holds within it everything that has ever happened to you as an imprint from your traumas to your ancestral lineage and genetic DNA. Why is it that Cancer can be healed in the body, only to return? It is because it has not been healed at its root – which is the imprint in our energy field.
Creating Coherence and living in a Turned On Coherent state is vital to living our Genius, our true nature and purpose and creating ultimate health and vitality.
For nearly 20 years The HeartMath Institute have been studying and teaching the impact of creating coherence on our health, relationships and success.
E = mc2 Albert Einstein’s famous equation demonstrates that energy and matter are so fundamentally connected that they are essentially one and the same and are completely interchangeable.
Every living thing from a human being to an animal, tree or leaf has a bioenergy field. And as Einstein’s equation demonstrates our bodies (matter) and our energy fields are completely interrelated and connected. So our energy field impacts our emotions, brain function, microbiome, organs and every cell in our body.
The ancient shamans knew and more recently Dr Joe Dispenza talks about any dis-ease, or circumstance in our life, the imprint is held in our bio-energy field. We have to clear it from the field to clear it from the body.
Through Bio-feedback and other technologies we can now read the frequencies and see the Bio-energy field.
1. Ley lines (geo-electromagnetic field lines in the earth underground)
2. Underground water
3. Above ground high-tension wires, phone towers etc.
Many people living in areas of Geopathic Stress can lose physical strength, energy and many illnesses are claimed to be linked by these forces include; feeling fatigued even after a night’s sleep, aching muscles and joints, emotional over-sensitivity, hyperactivity and aggression. Geopathic Stress causes a weakness of the immune system, and can lead to an inability to absorb nutrients properly, which can result in headaches, depression or stress.
Geopathic Stress has been found to be the most common factor in serious and long-term illnesses and some psychological conditions.
Scientists at Dulwich Health Society, UK, studied over 25,000 people with ill health & concluded:
Geopathically Stressed (GS):
- 100% of people who get secondary cancer
- 95% of people who get cancer
- 95% of children with hyperactivity etc
- 95% of people who develop AIDS
- 80% of parents/caregivers who abuse children
- 80% of people who get divorced
- 80% of couples unable to have babies
- 80% of women who have a miscarriage
- 80% of babies who died of Cot Death
- 70% of M.E. (Post Viral Fatigue) sufferers
- 70% of people who are allergic to food/drink
In other studies doctors in Europe, who between them have investigated over 10,000 cancer patients, found 92% were living in a GEOPATHICALLY stressed environment.
Geopathic Stress does not CAUSE any illness, but lowers your immune system & your ability to fight off viruses & bacteria. It is a weak, but continuous stress on the DNA. Over a period of years it seriously disrupts metabolism on a molecular scale. The most common indication of Geopathic Stress is resistance to treatment (either conventional or alternative).
In the past few years, 80% of insects and 75% of songbirds have vanished – but only in areas with “good” cellphone coverage (which is now blanketing the western world). Info here.
Bee population
A new study shows that cell phone and EMF radiation may be contributing to declines in bee populations in many areas of the world. After three months of exposure of new towers or meters they found the bees stopped producing honey, egg production by the queen bee halved, and the size of the hive dramatically reduced. Studies here .
Nature is being severely affected by Cell towers, EMF smart meters and all the Radiation thats being emitted. As you can see the trees surrounding the cell tower are dying. When 5G arrives in full force Radars will sweep the countryside sterilising life stock killing the ground and farming will die.
- Impacts relationship with parents
- Impacts ability to get to sleep and sleep quality
- Affects their ability to learn and cognition
- Activates tantrums
- Becomes their first addiction even from 2 years old
- Can increase risk of mental illness
- It can make them aggressive
According to recent studies 1 in 6 women struggle to get pregnant, there is a significant increase each year on these stats. It has been shown the sperm count is being affected, both quantity and quality. EMF Radiation is damaging the mitochondrial DNA of the sperm.
In the womb, the ovaries are most at risk in the body from EMF radiation and that is even when a baby is in the womb, her ovaries are being damaged. It is estimated that within 5 generations if this continues most women will become infertile due to the damage to the ovaries that is happening through the generational DNA.
Research in California has shown that EMF Radiation increases the risk of Miscarriage by up to 50%. R esearch info here.
As previously mentioned Dr Klinghardt did a study and tested women who had Autistic children verse those who did NOT have Autism. Those who when pregnant slept in WIFI with much higher EMF Radiation ALL had autistic children, those who didn’t their children did NOT have autism. It clearly showed the link between the EMF Radiation during pregnancy and Autistic children being born.
EMF radiation drives the release of toxic mercury vapour from dental amalgam fillings. 80% migrate into the Central Nervous System with a half-life of 32 years. Heavy metal toxicity and wifi radiation are linked to Autism, Alzheimer’s, ALS, MS and other autoimmune conditions. Dr Klinghardt’s research and info here .
Dr Klinghardt did a study with Autistic children that found that Mothers whilst pregnant who had Heavy Metals and Pathogens and who were exposed to constant EMF radiation went to have Autistic children.
The massive increase in Brain Tumours, Thyroid Cancer, Testicular and Rectal Cancer also in young people are ALL Cancers in areas of the body where we put our mobile phones. (Info here) . As well as previously mentioned Autism, Alzheimer's, Mental Illness, ALS, MS, Autoimmune Conditions, Infertility, Other Cancers, Chronic Fatigue, M.E, Fibromyalgia, these are all being scientifically shown to be linked with exposure to EMF Radiation. Research here.
EMF sensitivity is a huge issue for many and varies from person to person. Some people are so severely affected that have to move to rural areas, some leaving their family and communities to get away from the radiation. Most people are completely unaware of the impact that invisible waves have on our day to day lives.
Our health, our brain function, and ability to feel joy, relaxed, focused and full of energy apart from being aligned with our divine purpose and living from our heart, is mainly down to the health of our microbiome. These microbes are essential for the development and function of every organ and system in the body.
Our microbial DNA is the operating system of the human body. The microbiome is the bacterial diversity living in our guts. When this is thriving our brain, our cells and our health is thriving, we are happy, focused energised and vibrant. When this is compromised and we have a leaky gut, we have a leaky brain, and as a result depression, IBS, Brain Fog, Fatigue, and many other symptoms impact our ability to create and live our highest potential is very difficult.
Heavy metal toxicity, EMF radiation and Stress have a HUGE impact on our microbiome. EMF Radiation alone destroys our microbial diversity, therefore obliterating and taking down our operating system! Research here .
Our health, our brain function, and ability to feel joy, relaxed, focused and full of energy apart from being aligned with our divine purpose and living from our heart, is mainly down to the health of our microbiome. These microbes are essential for the development and function of every organ and system in the body.
Our microbial DNA is the operating system of the human body. The microbiome is the bacterial diversity living in our guts. When this is thriving our brain, our cells and our health is thriving, we are happy, focused energised and vibrant. When this is compromised and we have a leaky gut, we have a leaky brain, and as a result depression, IBS, Brain Fog, Fatigue, and many other symptoms impact our ability to create and live our highest potential is very difficult.
Heavy metal toxicity, EMF radiation and Stress have a HUGE impact on our microbiome. EMF Radiation alone destroys our microbial diversity, therefore obliterating and taking down our operating system! Research here .
The impact of EMF Radiation on our brain and nervous system has a huge ripple effect on our ability to focus, access our higher brain function and therefore raise our vibration and access higher states of consciousness. Our ability to live our genius is inextricably linked to our health – especially our brain health. As we heal and detox our brains we are able to access higher states of awareness.
Dr Alberto Villoldo who is bridging the gap between Science and Shamanism speaks about the importance of detoxing our brain to access these higher states of consciousness and live our true divine calling in this life.
Dr Joe Dispenza’s work is also supporting accessing these higher brain states for healing and accessing supernatural experiences.
Dr Villoldo talks about our luminous energy field (Our bio-energy field) and how everything from our trauma to genetics to our ancestry is held within that field and that is what guides our lives.
So it stands to reason that If this field is being obliterated by the EMF Radiation our ability to heal, ascend, and access our highest fullest potential is greatly compromised.